Detailed appraisal and approval process of the project of environment protection_Page 3 Detailed appraisal and approval process of the project of environment protection_Page 3

1.Detailed appraisal and approval process of the project of environment protection_Page 3

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1.Detailed appraisal and approval process of the project of environment protection.
Form of documents of consultation for Establishment owner sent to People’s Committee of Commune
(Issued Pursuant to Circular number  26/2015/TT-BTNMT 
dated 28 // 2015 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)

Number: ...../…..
Regarding consultation about  the detailed Project of Environment Protection towards…(2)…
(Location), datemonthyear
To: People’s committee of Commune…(3)…
On carrying out current legal regulations, …(1)… may we send a summary of the detailed Project of Environment Protection make by   …(2)… for consideration and opinions.
We would highly appreciate your early answering documents and sending it back to …(1)… at this contact:
                … (postal address)…
Our other information contact:
-         Tel number:  ………
-         Email: ……..
-         Fax number  : …….
Thank you./.
Recipient :
- As above;
- …(5)…
- Save …
(title, full name, signature and seal)
(1) Name of Establishment owner
(2) Full Name of organization/ establishment
(3) Name of Commune or equivalent administrative unit
(4) Competent Representative of organization/ establishment
(5) Other recipients (if any)

(Enclosed with Circular No......../…… date… month …  year …… of (1))
1.1. Name of Establishments, Establishment owner, fund source
1.2. Location : at hamlet, commune, district, province/ municipalities
1.3. Types of production, types of technology, types of the establishment’s technology
1.4. Business Construction items
1.5. Scale, overall design capacity, staged design capacity, time of the establishment put into operation
 1.6. Machinery, devices, raw materials, fuel for business production / trading/service 
1.7.State of abiding by laws on environment protection  
2.1. Summary of types of waste arising and program, measures of environment protection     
2.1.1. Waste water and rain water
2.1.2. Common solid waste
2.1.3. Hazardous waste
2.1.4. Emissions
2.1.5. Source of noise and vibration
2.2. Effects on the environment and socio-economy
2.3. Plans on construction, renovation, work operation  and implementation of measures of environment protection
2.4. Outline of the program for managing and supervising establishment environment
3.1. Recommendation
Make recommendations and send them to the associated local and central organs to deal with the problems that the Establishment owner can not deal with
3.2 Commitment
- Undertake to seriously perform the content, construction process, renovation and work operation, measures of environment protection.
-  Undertake to seriously perform reporting requirements on the decision of the project approval
- Undertake to seriously abide by laws of environment protection related to the business, including standards, standard regulations of environment technique.
-  Undertake to compensate and deal with environment pollution if the problems arise during construction and business operation.
Form documents of People’s Committee of Commune answering Establishment owner’s questions

(Issued Pursuant to Circular number  26/2015/TT-BTNMT  dated
28 // 2015 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
People’s Committee …(1)…
Number: ......../……
Regarding  opinions of the detailed project of Environment Protection towards …(2)…
        (Location), datemonthyear
To:  …(3) ……………..…
Replying to document number …………. date …. month ….year …….of…(3)…, People’s Committee …(1)… would like to give some opinions as followed:
1. About the implementation of Environment protection activities by…(3)…
- Clearly state agreements or disagreements about the corresponding content shown in the enclosed documents; in case of disagreements, it is to point out what content or matter are not agreed on.
- Clearly state requirements, recommendations by the community to the Establishment owner regarding the commitment of implementing the measures, solutions to minimizing negative effects on the environment of nature, socio-economy, public health and other recommendations (if any)
2. Recommendations to Establishment owner
Local Recommendations related to the environment protection activities
- As above;
- …(5)…
- Save …
(title, full name, signature and seal)

(1) Name of Commune or equivalent administrative unit
 (2) Name of Establishment owner
 (3) Full Name of organization/ establishment
(4) Vice President of People’s Committee of Commune
(5) Other recipients (if any)
Form of decision on founding Examining Team of assessing the detailed project of environment protection
(Issued Pursuant to Circular number  26/2015/TT-BTNMT 
 dated 28 // 2015 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
… (1) …
Number: … Independence-Freedom-Happiness.
Regarding establishing Team of assessing and examining the detailed project of environment protection by “… (2) …” … (3) …
-         Based on the Law of environment protection , effective f-rom date  23  /6 /2014;
-         Based on the Decree number  18/2015/NĐ-CP,dated 14 / 2 / 2015 by the Government about planning on environment protection, strategic environment assessment , environment -impact assessment, environment protection scheme;
-         Based on the Decision number …/QĐ… date … month… year … by………. Agreed on functions , duties, rights and framework of … (1) …;
-         Based on the Circular number /2015/TT-BTNMT dated  May / 2015 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment stipulating for the detailed project of environment protection and simple project of environment protection
Considering the proposal by … (4) … at document number … date … month … year about the proposal for approving the detailed project of environment protection by
 “… (2) …”;
According to the proposal by … (5) …,
Article 1. Founding a Team of Examiners for assessing the detailed project of environment protection towards  “… (2) …” which consists of these persons:
1.     Mr./Ms …, Director;
2.     Mr./Ms …, Deputy Director (if any)
3.      Mr./Ms …, member;.....
4.     …. Mr./Ms …, member;, secretary;
Article 2.  Team of Examiners is in c-harge of examining the environment protection activities by “… (2) …” as a foundation for assessing, approving the detailed project of environment protection according to the regulations at item 2, article 22 Decree number 18/2015/NĐ-CP.
Article 3. Examination must be finished by date……month….year
Article 4. Examining cost is calculated according to the current laws
Article 5. This decision is valid f-rom the signing day
Heads of organizations/units “… (1) …”, Mr./Ms  in the name list of Article 1, Establishment owner of  (2)…” are to follow the decision./.
- As above;
- …(6)…
- Save…
(title, full name, signature and seal)

(1) Competent organization making decision on founding the Team of Examiners
(2) Full Name of organization/ establishment / production zone / trading zone /service zone   
 (3) Head of organization/unit
(4) Name of organization as Establishment owner, production zone / trading zone /service zone    
(5) Head of organization as Examiner
(6) Other recipients (if any)
Form of decision on approving the detailed project of environment protection

(Issued  Pursuant to Circular number  26/2015/TT-BTNMT 
 dated 28 // 2015 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
… (1) …
Number: … Independence-Freedom-Happiness.
Regarding approving the detailed project of environment protection by “… (2) …”
… (3) …
-         Based on the Law of environment protection , effective f-rom date  23  /6 /2014;
-         Based on the Decree number  18/2015/NĐ-CP, dated 14 / 2 / 2015 by the Government about planning on environment protection, strategic environment assessment, environment -impact assessment, environment protection scheme;
-         Based on the Circular number /2015/TT-BTNMT date…  month…… / 2015 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment stipulating for the detailed project of environment protection and simple project of environment protection
-         Based on …(4)…;
-         Based on Decision/Document number … date … month … year … by…(3)… on authorizing  …(5)… to sign the decision on approving the detailed project of environment protection ( if authorized)
-         Based on the minutes of examination for assessing the detailed project of environment protection by …(2)…;
Considering the content of  the detailed project of environment protection by
 “… (2) …” which has been completed and the attached Document number ……date……..month…../year……by …..(6)…..;
According to the proposal by … (7) …,
Article 1. Approving the detailed project of environment protection  (hereafter called Project) by (2) ……. (hereafter called Establishment) founded by ….(6)…… (hereafter called Establishment owner) with the main content as followed:
1. Location, scale/capacity
1.1. Location of the Establishment
1.2. Scale/capacity of the Establishment
2. Requirement for Environment Protection towards the Establishment :
2.1. Sufficiently and strictly Undertake the solutions, measures, commitment on Environment Protection stated in the Project
2.2. Make sure that the treated waste meets the technical standards before disc-harging.
2.3. Be sure to complete work  and measures of Environment Protection before the deadline as followed :
- Work/measures ….., due date …
- Work/measures ….., due date …
- Work/measures ….., due date …
2.4. By the due date of the work and the measures of environment protection, it is to report the results to the authorized/competent organs for approval.
 (items 2.3, 2.4 are only applied to establishments with unfinished work and measures of environment protection)
Other conditions (if any)
Article 2. During the performing process, if there are any changes to the content of the approved project, the establishment owner has to submit a report to …..(1) …… and is only permitted to follow the changes after the documents are accepted.
Article 3 . This decision is valid f-rom the signing day.
- Establishment owner
- …(9)…
- Save…
(title, full name, signature and seal)
(1) Name of Authorized approving organization
(2) Full Name of establishment
(3) Chief or Head of Authorized approving organization
(4)Full name of the documents bearing functions, duties, rights , framework of organization of the Authorized approving organization
(5) Full name and title of the authorized signing person  
(6) Name of organization/business , establishment owner
(7) Director of approving organization
(8) Title of the Chief and Head of the Authorized approving organization
(9) Destinations according to the corresponding regulations at item 2, Article 10 of this Circular
- As above;
- …(6)…
- Save …
(title, full name, signature and seal)
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